dr. Dian Prasetyo W, M.Sc, Sp.BS


2005-2009 : Pendidikan Dokter FKKMK UGM

2009-2010 : Pendidikan Profesi Dokter FKKMK UGM

2013-2015 : Magister Ilmu Kedokteran Dasar dan Biomedis FKKMK UGM

2016-2022 :  Ilmu Bedah Saraf FKKMK UGM

dotLokasi & Jadwal

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Potensi Fraksi Akar Tempuyung Terhadap Ekspresi C-MYC Oncogene Pada Cell Line Ca Colon Mutant P53 WiDr (2009)

Korelasi Ekspansi Sel Interstitial Ginjal dengan Konsentrasi Hemoglobin dan Ekspresi Eritropoietin pada Ginjal Sebagai Efek Akut dan Kronis Cedera Iskemia/ Reperfusi Tunggal & Berulang pada Mencit (2015)

Korelasi Antara Perubahan Struktur Histopatologis dengan Ekpresi CD68 Hipokampus pada Fase Akut dan Kronis Cedera Iskemia Global Otak Tikus sebagai Faktor Resiko Epilepsi Paska Stroke (2021)

Heparanase Expression in Renal Interstitial May Contribute to Epithelial and Endothelial Cells Injuries After Kidney Ischemic-Reperfusion Episode in Mice (2015)

Prolonged Kidney IRI Associates with Inflammation, Vascular Remodelling, and Myofibroblast Formation (2018)

Vitamin D Ameliorates Kidney Ischemia Reperfusion Injury via Reduction of Inflammation and Myofibroblast Expansion (2019)

Inverse Correlation of Kidney Interstitial Cells Expansion with Hemoglobin Level and Erythropoietin Expression in Single and Repeated Kidney IRI in Mice (2019)

Endothelin Converting Enzyme-1 mRNA expression Correlates with Downregulation of Kallikrein and Upregulation of Endothelin A Receptor after Ureteral Ligation in Mice (2021) 

Increased Blood Brain Barrier Permeability Correlate with Microglial Activation at Hippocampal CA1 Region in Acute and Chronic Bilateral Common Carotid Artery Ligation in Rats as a Risk Factor for Post Stroke Epilepsy (2022)

2011-2012 : Dokter Umum RSUD Batang & Puskesmas Batang

2012-2016 : Dokter Umum RS Puri Husada & Dental Center Prof Sudibyo

2014-Sekarang : Staf Departemen Anatomi FKKMK UGM

2022 : Staf KSM Bedah Saraf RSUP Drr. Sardjito

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